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T-Shirt Anti-UV for children new collection fashion clothing

T-Shirt-Anti-UV-for-children-new-collection-fashion-clothing-image-1T-Shirt Anti-UV for children new collection Z Generation accessories clothing fashion trends designers online fashion resources online brand most recommended.
























Z Generation for summer protects children with t-shirts and accessories Anti-UV.

To answer a specific question of the mothers in the summer, Generation Z has created a line of sunglasses, hats and T-shirts that have been specially treated to protect against ultra-violet rays, but also heads for the beach as the sandals, bathing suits and beach towels.


The process Anti-UV, certified by a renowned research laboratory, was carried out by personnel experienced in the cotton Generation Z, by applying a very thin protective film on the fabric before pack of t-shirts and accessories.

The protective film applied to Generation Z has a duration of at least 20 washes and provides protection equivalent to the index 40. The clothing line Generation Z is offered from 3 months to 6 years and its price is inclusive of Anti UV treated.

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