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Tips to makeup your eyes with new trends in beauty for women

Tips-to-makeup-your-eyes-with-new-trends-in-beauty-for-women-image-11Tips makeup to your eyes with new trends in beauty for women You can find this and many other articles That Talk new trends for today’s modern lifestyle.


























The facial make-up: it showcases showing off all the new trends, offering the look of every kind, for every small or big occasion …
But beware! As for each composition, to Obtain a harmonic and beautiful, each element Which composes it must be in some way linked to the other, or at least of the same style. The trick is to be in tune with the dress, hairstyle, jewelry, shoes, hair and all the elements That Make up your look. The shop windows are filled with clothing evening dresses of every kind and of every style: elegant, extravagant, blacks, colorful, sober and full of rhinestones and sequins, ready to Satisfy every need, one’s taste or desire. So first ask yourself and decide: which style you want to Adopt, as you want to be and / or look for this evening!? Later you’ll have to find and match the various elements That fit your look for any occasion. To help you, imagine three styles to choose from (elegant, special, eccentric)

Chosen style, you can find here tips for each element of make-up: eyes.
For the elegant look For an intense eye makeup but not obvious, you must meet some basic precautions.

Follow the order:

Tips-to-makeup-your-eyes-with-new-trends-in-beauty-for-women-image-11) Start with the application of the pencil: create a border all’attaccatura eyelashes (for edging refers to the use of dark pencil or eyeliner in the contour of the eye). – In photos found a trick suitable for a large eye: the pencil is stretched over the entire eye (towards the insertion of the eyelashes) with thin and below the eye you put the pencil in the conjunctiva (practically inside the eye ). – Apply now a clear and matte eye shadow in the inner eyelid (mid-eye to the nose) and a dark shadow (blue, gray, brown) on the eyelid from the middle to the outside eye they are just over the natural crease of the eye. – With lots of mascara, you get a highlight eye makeup without appearing too obvious.

Tips-to-makeup-your-eyes-with-new-trends-in-beauty-for-women-image-22) The trick of the photo is suitable for a small eye. – The pencil will mainly applied under the eye and not inside, as if you emphasize everything. – The border continues above the outer corner of the eye, but a few millimeters.
– All’attaccatura upper lash you must apply a clear and preferably pearly eyeshadow in order to magnify and illuminate the whole area in question. – A dark shadow will be applied to the outer corner of the eye, above and below, so as to obtain an effect of lengthening exterior. – Beware of mascara on the upper lashes and very little on the lower lot! This will emphasize the lower rim, giving the eye a large magnifying effect.

Tips-to-makeup-your-eyes-with-new-trends-in-beauty-for-women-image-33) The trick of the photo is suitable for those who have a great eyelid. – Apply the pencil over the entire upper eyelid with a moderate thickness, blending it upwards. – At the bottom, to us the choice if we want to get into a deep look and understood, if we zoom out even more in our eye. – Eyeshadow clear just below the eyebrows, eye shadow dark gray on the upper rim, gradient over the entire eyelid surpassing the natural crease of the eye. – Mascara abundant of all the eyelash, both lower than the upper ones.

For the particular style

Tips-to-makeup-your-eyes-with-new-trends-in-beauty-for-women-image-41) In the picture there is a color effect that gives us a fresh and fun. – Follow the directions above to choose the clear dark adapted eye large, the small or large eyelid but instead of using colors like gray, blue, brown and black, have fun with turquoise, orange, purple or green apple. – Especially if you wear something very colorful, with particular tones and clear, it will be nice to match the color of eye shadow to the color of the dress you will wear.


Tips-to-makeup-your-eyes-with-new-trends-in-beauty-for-women-image-52) Choose a trick from those described in a simple style and add an eyebrow highlighted only on its upper edge.
– Use a cake eyeliner with a hard pencil or darker color of your eyebrows, draw a line that defines well the upper border of the whole eyebrows. – If your eyebrows are clear you will get a great definition, the purchase decision and look important.


Tips-to-makeup-your-eyes-with-new-trends-in-beauty-for-women-image-63) Perform a trick in sober gray or brown hot or cold or any other color is not obvious, using light / dark suit your eye, as described above. – Finally, only higher all’attaccatura of lashes applied a line of eyeliner made of small white or silver sequins. – First apply a light glue (liquid set) or glue eyebrows, then apply with a brush over sequins. – Obtain a refined and special effects!


If you have chosen the eccentric style: use your infinite imagination



1) In the make-up of the photos we added to the makeup simple, black and white specks that may also be colored (pencils are made using simple eyes or lips, remembering to tamponarci above the powder). – Alternatively: small rhinestones white / blacks or colored, to stick with glue DUO (the one normally used to apply false eyelashes)




2) In the picture we got a trick with sequins. – Again using the first set and then the liquid glue sequins. A good trick is to use a lighter color sequins for the eyelid (pictured light yellow) and sequins a bit ‘darker above the natural crease of the eye (pictured) to finish.


Tips-to-makeup-your-eyes-with-new-trends-in-beauty-for-women-image-93) The trick of the photo is a simple example of maximum eccentricity, an almost fashionable! – Spread a very pearly white eye shadow / silver over the entire eyelid. – With a colored eyeliner (in this case red) drawn on the lid of the signs
at your leisure. – After the mascara, false eyelashes using glue or mastic, applied red feathers or color eyeliner used.

You can find more articles, with tips and details on our beauty and wellness category. Thanks again for visiting and good continuation.

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