Practical food tips against cellulite beauty sports diets
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Food tips against cellulite

Cellulite diet healthy eating and sport practical advice symptom of an organic problem, poor lymphatic drainage, which can only be further aggravated by a poor diet and lack of or inadequate physical activity.
The most effective and useful to prevent and combat the appearance of cellulite is taken from an early age a lifestyle healthy and vital. Practical food tips against cellulite beauty sports diets:

Think about using the creams only occasionally in order to overcome the problem, or to have recourse only to the aesthetic medicine treatments that offers us is not enough!
You have to remember that over the imperfection cellulite is a symptom of an organic problem, given the inability of the body to eliminate metabolic waste properly and by poor lymphatic drainage, which can only be further aggravated by a bad power supply and poor or inadequate physical activity.

The battle against cellulite begins at the table:
Proper nutrition is the first ally against cellulite, especially if increased by intake of nutritional vitamins, minerals, antioxidants (vitamins C and E, zinc and selenium), herbal remedies that help to speed up the process of the purification and elimination of toxins .
Here are some practical tips for a cellulite diet:
Prefer low-sodium water (at least 1 liter and a half a day).
Give up a little ‘salt: you can easily replace it with other flavors that will equally taste to your dishes.
Banish foods that strain the liver and hinders the work of elimination of waste: coffee, chocolate, alcoholic beverages,
Practical food tips against cellulite beauty sports diets:

fried foods, soft drinks or juices, pizza and breads, meats and cheeses, etc..
Eliminate refined sugar and sweets that bring calories and zero-energy and avoid refined grains like pasta, white rice and bread which increase the viscosity of the connective tissues. Prefer whole wheat bread, assessing the amount of yeast and added salts present in grains and cereals and flakes, especially barley and spelled.
Limit milk and dairy products and prefer yogurt and, at most, fresh cheeses.
Consume (3-5 servings per day) bitter greens (dandelion, artichoke, chicory), vegetables, fresh fruit (especially zucchini, cucumbers, lettuce, cherries, grapefruit, strawberries, watermelons) that are detoxifying, draining, anti-oxidants and rebalance the fat metabolism.

Prefer soups and vegetable soups that are filling quickly and contain vitamins, minerals and fiber. It ‘important fact to prefer foods that are high in fiber which facilitate intestinal transit and evacuation of waste, reducing the absorption of sugars and fats, and vitamins C and E and potassium which are contrary to the sodium (the berries are ideal for a good microcirculation, given that are rich in bioflavonoids).
It is advisable to eat 6 meals a day with quality protein: not recommended therefore the meat high in sodium (duck, goat, pig, eel, herring), prefer the white to the red ones, do not take the giblets and meats 3-4 times per week.
The fish is best when fresh and consumed at midday (avoid fish preserved in oil or dry).
Practical food tips against cellulite beauty sports diets:

Practical food tips against cellulite beauty sports diets:
The gym cellulite:
Regular exercise, which improves muscle tone, increases the burning of fat and lean body mass and enhances circulation.
The most useful exercise is aerobic (low intensity long-term), which stimulates the muscles to work under conditions of maximum tissue oxygenation, thus mobilizes fat deposits and improves circulation: at least half an hour a day of aerobic exercise is ideal and useful to have good results and keep in shape.

Therefore prefer swimming, which also takes advantage of the whirlpool action produced by the movements of the body in the water, bike / exercise bike, jogging (walking and running), free exercises and athletics.
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